Tweed Valley Hospital

Public Hospital

Tweed Valley Hospital is a public hospital located in Cudgen, which provides cancer surgery.

Radiation therapy, chemotherapy and haematology services are available at Tweed Valley Cancer Care and Haematology Unit.


The preferred method of referral is eReferral by HealthLink Forms.
HealthLink eReferrals to NNSWLHD services are accessed via HealthLink forms in Best Practice, Medical Director or Genie.

Location and contact details

Tweed Valley Hospital

771 Cudgen Road Cudgen NSW 2 4 8 7
Get driving directions
C a n c e r. U n i t. 0 2. 6 6 7 7. 3 0 6 5 ,. H o s p i t a l. S w i t c h b o a r d. 0 2. 6 6 7 7. 2 0 0 0.
C a n c e r. U n i t. 0 2. 6 6 7 7. 3 0 9 7 ,. H o s p i t a l. F a x. 0 2. 6 6 7 7. 3 0 0 9.

Types of treatment

Tweed Valley Hospital provides cancer surgery, chemotherapy, haematology and radiation therapy.


Treatment for some cancers can be complex and patients should be treated at a hospital which meets agreed criteria for managing this type of cancer. These centres are known as specialist cancer centres. The Tweed Hospital is recommended for:

  • breast cancer
  • colon cancer
  • lung cancer
  • pancreatic, primary liver or bile duct cancers
  • rectal cancer

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Cancer care teams

Specialists at Tweed Valley Hospital participate on the multidisciplinary cancer care teams (MDT) listed below. The teams meet regularly to coordinate care for people with these types of cancers:

Cancer specialists

The following cancer specialists work at Tweed Valley Hospital:

Additional information

Most treatments are available in both the public and private systems but the costs can be very different. Also, a specialist can work in the public system, private system or both.

It is important to ask about fees before any doctors' visits, tests or treatments. Ask what the fees will be and how much you will get back from Medicare or your private health fund. You will have to pay any remaining costs (the gap payment).

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Patients, their families and carers who do not speak English as a first language or who are Deaf have the right to free, confidential and professional interpreters when they use public health services.

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To speak to an Aboriginal Health Worker, contact Bullinah Aboriginal Health Service or phone (02) 6881 5644.

Information about what to expect before, during and after cancer treatment is available in this guide, written for Aboriginal people.

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